Sunday, February 2, 2020

Story Telling-Tom Sawyer

Image result for tom sawyer book     Once upon a time, there lived a mischievous young orphan named Tom Sawyer. He was punished every time by his aunt named aunt Polly.

     One day he fell in love with a new girl at his neighborhood called Becky Thatcher. But his love was crushed after being discovered him getting back to his ex, Amy Lawrence.

     One day, he went to the graveyard with his friend, Huckleberry Finn, to perform a ritual, when they suddenly encountered three grave robbers, Muff Potter, Injun Joe and Dr. Robinson, who were in a quarrel. Both of them had a fight with Dr Robinson, who then knocked out Muff Potter, while Injun Joe killed Dr Robinson, but framed Muff Potter into killing Dr Robinson.

     Tom and Huck saw the whole situation, and made a blood oath to never mention that situation, fearing Injun Joe's revenge. So, at the court Muff Potter was found guilty and was sent to prison, while Injun Joe was free from any sentence.

     Tom grew bored of school, and eventually went to an isolated island along with his two friends Huckleberry Finn and Joe Harper, to live a free life. However, they became aware that the people at the city were searching for them and eventually surprised the citizens by coming to their own funeral.

     At one of his trials, Tom eventually broke his blood oath and decides to speak to the court about the truth but unfortunately, Injun Joe managed to escape. Since then, Muff was freed and Tom was haunted by the thought of Injun Joe's revenge.

     Summer arrives, Tom and Huck decided to go treasure hunting in a haunted house, when they discovered Injun Joe at the ground floor burying a treasure along with his companion. However, the villains have found themselves even greater treasure and decided to hid them on another place.

Image result for tom sawyer injun joe muff potter and dr robinson     One day, Huck spotted the villains and decided to follow them, while Tom went with his other friends to explore the McDougal's cave. Tom went with Becky but found themselves separated from their other classmates. They were lost but encountered themselves to Injun Joe, but was not spotted.
     After some time, they found a way out and went back to the city. Becky's dad, judge Thatcher, soon ordered to seal the cave so no one would go back in there. Knowing that, Tom realized that Injun Joe was still in there, and finally opened the seal to find Injun Joe's corpse lying on the ground.
     A week later, Tom and Huck figured that Injun Joe must have kept the treasure inside the cave, and eventually finds the treasure of Injun Joe. They split the treasure into two and soon they became rich and lived happily ever after.


1. What is the moral lesson of the story?
2. What is the antonym of the word mischievous?
3. What do you think you will do if you were Tom?
4. Do you think that Tom and his friends are good examples?
5. In your opinion, what could be the factor to Tom's behavior?


Make these indirect speech into direct speech:
-Tom and Huck saw the whole situation, and made a blood oath to never mention that situation, fearing Injun Joe's revenge
-Tom eventually broke his blood oath and decides to speak to the court about the truth
-The villains have found themselves even greater treasure and decided to hid them on another place
-They were lost but encountered themselves to Injun Joe
-Becky's dad, judge Thatcher, soon ordered to seal the cave so no one would go back in there

The Adventures of Huckleberry FInn (Novel Review)

Members: M Rizky Amiruddin/XII SCIENCE 8/19 Rayfa Rekafitri/XII SCIENCE 8/29 Zachary Samuel T/XII SCIENCE 8/35 The Adventures of Huckleberry...