Monday, July 29, 2019


     My name is Samuel. I was born in Makassar, Indonesia, on 25 Nov 2005. Now I am 13 years old. I live in Antapani, Bandung, together with my mother, father, and my little brother. I just entered 3rd Senior High School in science degree.

     I am the son of 2 loving parents and 1 great little brother. I couldn't wish for a better family. My dad works in Astragraphia, which makes him a businessman. My mother, however. doesn't work, instead, she was just happy to be a housewife, taking care of the three of us. My brother is currently studying in his 2nd year of Junior High School, where he works hard to achieve 1st rank in his class.

   My favorite subject is Math. I just love how the calculations work in my head. It just thrills me. It has been my favorite since elementary school. However, in Junior high School, there was a part of the subject that I don't really like, which was making graphs. It's just that I was not good at drawing and I don't really like it.

   I really like noodles, both fried and boiled. It slides in my throat with a delightful sensation following. I really like them, especially Indomie. It was just the best. Sadly, I can't eat them often, probably around 1 each week.

     Well, I guess that is all I can tell about myself. Thank you for your attention!

The Adventures of Huckleberry FInn (Novel Review)

Members: M Rizky Amiruddin/XII SCIENCE 8/19 Rayfa Rekafitri/XII SCIENCE 8/29 Zachary Samuel T/XII SCIENCE 8/35 The Adventures of Huckleberry...