Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Climate Change

 Today we have been tasked to work in pairs to work about climate change and we decided to go towards a main sector, which is a large contribution towards greenhouse emissions.


Redha Al Fajry/XII SCIENCE 8/30

Zachary Samuel T/XII SCIENCE 8/35

Here is our work:

Climate Change

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Do You Think Social Media is Good For Teenagers?

 We have been tasked with making a text regarding the topic above. 


Nabil Rashid Musadi/XII SCIENCE 8/20

Zachary Samuel Tobing/XII SCIENCE 8/35

Text (Google Docs Link Format):

Do You Think Social Media is Good For Teenagers?

Friday, October 15, 2021


        So we were given a task about renewable energy, its advantages, and disadvantages. Here are the files we created as a group in a document and PowerPoint display.



Sunday, April 4, 2021

Biography (Harriet Tubman)

 In this post, I am going to answer several questions that were tasked and create a short bioraphy of Harriet Tubman.

    So from the source that I have, mentions and explains all of Harriet Tubman's early life, achievements, and death. It also tells all about her values and what she fought for in her life.

    So I got several points and lessons that is truly amazing about Harriet Tubman.  think what is amazing is that it teaches me to not be selfish. Harriet Tubman herself could have escaped on her own from slavery on the underground railroad. However, she went back and escaped together with her friends and families and risked her life so that everybody can escape.

There were also several valuable lessons that I got from Harriet Tubman. I learned that we should fight for our freedom. Just like Harriet Tubman made her own way to fight for her freedom using the underground railroad, we need to fight for our freedom and for our own sake, not anybody's sake. Also, like the last paragraph, it teaches me to not be selfish and always care for others.

    Harriet Tubman was an African-American woman that was enslaved in Maryland, along with her families and friends. They were all very poorly treated by the white people who enslaved them, which is why Harriet Tubman has a lot of wounds that would later affect the rest of her life, including her own death. They were all distributed to different white people so they have to work separately from her family. So finally she decided to find her own freedom without her family as they were concerned for their bounty. But not long after that, she went back to Maryland along with her families and friends so they can all be free. She then joined John Brown, where together they wanted to destroy the institution of slavery. She then became an expedition leader to save more people from slavery. This is why she was called the "Moses" of her time. She eventually died at the age of 93 due to all her wounds from her early days when she was a slave, as she was constantly tortured, there were several permanent injuries that eventually caused her death.


Sunday, February 21, 2021

English Procedure Text - Screen Recording On Laptop/PC Using QuickTime Player

         So we were told to make a procedure text in the form of a video for our English task. We were free to choose whatever topics that we liked/ wanted to do.

        So I picked a procedure text about screen recording. I know that this is a fairly easy task for most of us, especially teachers and students, and I don't think anyone has a problem with it. However, in this online study, I think that some assignments required the students and teachers to record their own screen and complete certain tasks.

        I'm sure that there are more topics that are more interesting and harder. But I wanted to show people the best and simplest way of making a screen recording on a PC/Laptop. Since I think most people are already familiar with screen recording on their mobile phones, so I decided to make a procedure text about screen recording on a Laptop/PC.

        In my experience, I really think that QuickTime Player is the simplest and best for making recordings, including other types of recording such as a movie recording, an audio recording, and a screen recording. The platform is easy enough to understand that I don't have to google how it works and so on. Not to mention that the features are only a few, so it wasn't really hard to understand the platform and using it. I don't know if there are any easier platforms out there, but in my several screen recording applications, QuickTime Player is the easiest.

1. Download QuickTime Player if you don't have the app.
2. Open the app to see your downloaded or made videos and right-click if you want to record.
3. Choose the option that you want. Movie recording is to record like a camera, audio recording is for recording audio-only, and screen recording is for recording your screen.
4. You will see a small rectangle icon. Select the audio in which you want your voice to be recorded by clicking the down arrow. There are several options depending on your devices. Choose one that you want to record your voice from.
5. Click on the red circle button on the rectangle icon.
6. After that, click on the screen you want to record on. To make sure your screen has started recording, right-click on the QuickTime Player icon and you will see there is an option of "Stop Recording".
7. Right-click again if you have done your screen recording and select the "Stop Recording" button.
8. You will see a preview of the screen recording that you have just done. Click on the close button on the top-left edge of the preview and click save to save your screen recording, and delete to delete your screen recording. Make sure to rename your screen recording and place it on the spot where you can easily remember.
9. To find your screen recording, go to File Explorer or Finder and go to the place where you saved your screen recording.
10. If you want to insert it to a video editing software, press import media and select the screen recording in the place where you saved your screen recording.

1. Make sure to make it simple. Don't complicate stuff and do what you don't have to do.
2. Don't make silly mistakes. Don't forget to save your screen recording, don't misclick, and so on.
3. Save your video in a place that you remember. If you don't, you might have a long time to find the screen recording again.
4. Always remember to title your video. If you are already familiar, you might find the screen recording just fine. However, if you are still new at this, and you don't know how to find the screen recording, or you have a lot of other files that are untitled, you might waste a lot of time to find the screen recording or maybe you cannot even find it. So remember, always name your file.

Screen Record Laptop/PC Using QuickTime Player Link

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Nico's Weg

     So in this post, I am going to write a review of a German film titled "Nico's Weg". This is a film which we are tasked to watch and make a review of.

    So it all started with a person named Nico who has just arrived in Germany from Sevilla, Spain. However, just shortly after going out of the airport, Nico left his bag alone and a taxi driver mistook the bag for its customer. Then, a person named Lisa and her niece Emma saw him and decided to help Nico find his bag and find his aunt Yara. Just as he thought he had found the taxi driver who took his bag but turns out his bag wasn't there. Then they decided to call Lisa's dad who is a police officer to help them find Nico's bag. However, it is very hard to find his bag because all of his items are in his bag. 

    Throughout the long journey, Nico met many new friends like Sebastian, Nahwin, Nina, Max, Tarek, and many other people who helped him throughout his search for his bag. He bonded with all of these people and managed to have fun and bonding conversations through each one of them. He was really helped by these people by doing everything that they could to find his missing bag and her aunt Yara.   

    Finally, after the long search, Nico found his aunt's address and met her aunt Yara. He was also very lucky to find his bag which was a small chance, as it was just there by the side of the street. 

    There is a lot of moral stories from this movie. However, the one that struck me the most was to never give up and always help others. In the movie, Lisa and her friends decided to help Nico even though he was just a stranger to them and even helped him find his bag and his aunt Yara. It was also not an easy feat, as in the movie it was told that Nico didn't have any address or phone number to find any way to find his bag, but they still insisted on helping Nico until they found both his bag and his aunt Yara which was really inspiring for me.

    In my opinion, this movie is very good for beginners like me who are learning German as the language is very simple and it has many variations of conversations throughout the whole movie. It teaches me to understand German culture, German language, German atmosphere, and so on. So for me, it was a very good and educational movie.

    However, in my opinion, the movie itself was a little bit far fetched. There were many things that I was so confused about. For example, I don't think any stranger could just be taken into their house. It just seems unrealistic for me. I don't know if it's really true and it could really happen or if it was just for the sake of the movie. For me, it's just so rare to find people like that who would just take a stranger inside their house and even stayed there.

    Also, for me, the plot was a little bit forced. What I mean is that there are several things in the movie that could have just been excluded and didn't have any significance to the plot or to the story. For example, the scene where Nico was cooking at Inge's house, where he also broke several dishes, that part was not important at all to the course of the movie.

The Adventures of Huckleberry FInn (Novel Review)

Members: M Rizky Amiruddin/XII SCIENCE 8/19 Rayfa Rekafitri/XII SCIENCE 8/29 Zachary Samuel T/XII SCIENCE 8/35 The Adventures of Huckleberry...